Customized online tool development with dashboards
Your operations require the use of questionnaires, forms, purchase orders… ?
Transferring these work tools to a computer format provides several advantages for your organization:
- Elimination of paper documents
- Elimination of duplicate information
- Elimination of tasks offering no added value
- Make the information contained in your various work tools interact
- Intelligent and automated information management
- Get the most from your data
- Constitutes a corporate memory
Custom management tool development
You need management tools to better organize what sets you apart from other organizations?
You want to automate your processes to make your organization perform better?
A solution can be developed for a single process or a portal can be developed for all your processes so that operations management can become much more efficient (business process automation).
These solutions can be combined with a reporting tool.
A few advantages:
- Elimination of paper documents
- Elimination of duplicate information
- Elimination of tasks offering no added value
- Make the information contained in your various work tools interact
- Optimization and automation of process management
- Intelligent and automated information management
- Get the most from your data
- Constitutes a corporate memory
Examples of custom management tools
- Complete portal for management and optimization of operational
- procedures
- Data management tool for SST (Santé et sécurité au travail)
- Grievance management tool
- Inspection tool
- Admissions tool
- Monitoring tool